WGH HS has two new National African American Recognition Program Scholars!

Warren G. Harding High School seniors Mia Jones and Sarah Bell each have been named a National African American Recognition Program Scholar by the College Board.

Sarah is considering a visual communications career while Mia is looking at a possible career in radiology. Both are hoping to attend The Ohio State University.

The College Board’s National African American Recognition Program is an academic honor for academically exceptional African American students who have scored in the top 10 percent of the state on the PSAT or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP exams by their junior year. To qualify, they must also have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Students can include the academic honor in college and scholarship applications. The program also helps students connect with universities and scholarship programs across the country by sharing their achievements in the College Board Student Search Service. 

As a result, students will receive outreach from colleges that may include special recognition or scholarship information. About 1,500 four-year colleges use the College Board Student Search Service.

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