Vaccine Requirements for Students Entering 7th Grade

April 01, 2021

Dear 6th grade parents,

The state of Ohio requires all students entering the 7th grade to have the meningococcal vaccine (also known as MCV4, Menevo or Menactra) in addition to one dose of Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis).

Meningococcal meningitis

Meningococcal meningitis is a rare but serious disease that develops rapidly and can claim a life in as little as one day. Of those who survive, approximately one in five are left with serious medical problems like amputation, deafness, and brain damage.  Teens are at increased risk of meningococcal meningitis. This increased risk may be due to activities like sharing utensils and kissing.

Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap)

Tetanus causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over your body; diphtheria causes a thick covering in the back of the throat and can also lead to breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure, and even death; pertussis causes coughing spells and can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, and death, particularly in infants.

Vaccination is the best way to protect someone from getting the disease.

You may obtain these vaccines from your child’s health care provider or other community resource.  A HEALTH HEROES vaccination clinic will be offered at your child’s school on May 17th (more information will be sent home at a later date).

Students who do not provide documentation of these immunizations to the school this fall are subject to exclusion.  If there are medical/religious or philosophical reasons your child cannot receive immunizations, please contact the school clinic for an Immunization Exemption Form.

Thank you,

Janene Fitzpatrick BSN RN LSN
District RN Supervisor for Warren City Schools
Akron Children’s Hospital, School Health Services

Attached CDC “2021 Recommended Immunizations for Children from 7 Through 18 Years Old”

Kindergarten Registration

Warren City Schools will hold kindergarten registration for the 2021-22 school year during the month of April!
Registration Dates: 
Jefferson – Thursday, April 22nd                                  
McGuffey – Tuesday, April 27th                                 
Willard – Wednesday, April 28th                                  
Lincoln – Thursday, April 29th 

Registrations will be by appointment. 
Appointment times are from 9:30 to 12:00 and 4:00 to 6:00.
Please call 330-675-4320 today. 

To register, you will need: 
-Parent Identification 
-Proof of Residency
Please provide one of the following examples: Utility or auto insurance bill within the last 30 days, a signed lease agreement,  monthly mortgage statement, pay stubs displaying address. 
-Your Child’s Birth Certificate
-Your Child’s Immunization Record
-Your Child’s Social Security Card
-Any court documents related to custody 

Masks will be required and all social distancing protocols will be followed.  Can’t wait to see you there … because kindergarten is the place to be!

Warren City Schools Announce New Food Distribution Sites & Times

Warren City School District has revised its food distribution schedule to include new sites and times. The new schedule take effect Monday, march 15, 2021.

The serving time at each site is 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

The locations are:

Warren G. Harding H.S. – 860 Elm Rd. Warren, OH

Lincoln School – 2253 Atlantic St. Warren, OH

Willard School – 2020 Willard Ave. Warren, OH

Jefferson  School  – 1543 Tod Ave. Warren, OH

McGuffey  School  – 3465 Tod Ave. Warren, OH

Warren Mission – 155 Tod Ave. Warren, OH 

Warren Heights Apts. – 504 Douglas St. Warren, OH

Packard Park – 1703 Mahoning Ave. Warren, OH

Laird Ave. Garden (Across from the Water Dept.)

Stone Gate Apts. – 1210 Roberts Ave. Warren, OH.

Renaissance Center – 1948 Palmyra Rd. Warren, OH

Highland Terrace Apts. – 377 Lane Ave. Warren, OH

Fairview Gardens Apts. – 2035 Benton St. SE Warren, OH

Commerce St. Apts. – 600 Commerce Ave. Warren, OH

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Superintendent’s Message Regarding 5 Day, In School Instruction

Superintendent’s Message

WCS Families and Staff:
It is nearly one year since public schools in the State of Ohio were ordered to close due to COVID 19. Over this time we have experienced ups, downs, spikes, valleys and plateaus just like a roller coaster. During this time every one of us experienced various challenges. Even though we know children are resilient, the challenges our youth have faced academically, socially, and emotionally over the past year will take some time for them to overcome.

It is with this in mind, along with the safety, health and well-being of our students in the Warren City Schools that we are excited to announce a return to five days per week instruction for students in hybrid groups A and B in grades K-11 starting Monday, March 15, 2021! At this time WGH Seniors will remain on a hybrid schedule unless Mr. Capers recommends an alternative schedule.

Last evening I presented to the Warren City School District Board of Education the framework of our plan for hybrid students to return. We are aligning the five days per week return to school with the start of the fourth nine weeks. Currently about 2/3 of our students are participating in hybrid in person learning and about 1/3 are doing so through full online/remote instruction. Our schools will be operating on average at 2/3 capacity.

We will continue to utilize and maximize recommended health and safety guidelines consistent with those recommended by our local health officials. Students and adults will be required to wear facial coverings at all times unless permitted to remove them during a “mask break” or while actively eating or drinking. Plexiglass desk shields are available for student and teacher desks and during lunch times. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing stations are most everywhere in our schools and well supplied. Social distancing of 3-6 feet will be observed at all times consistent with the Ohio Department of Health’s acceptance of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations. We are confident we can maintain the mandated health and safety standards for our students and staff provided health conditions remain consistent.

There will be some adjustments to our student school day. Start times at all schools will remain the same however dismissal times will change as indicated below:
WGH Dismiss at 1:35 pm, Bus departure at 1:40 pm
Lincoln & McGuffey Dismiss at 2:20 pm, Bus departure at 2:25 pm
Jefferson & Willard Dismiss at 3:05 pm, Bus departure at 3:10 pm

While we know and understand this schedule change may cause disruption to family schedules, we believe that the academic, social and emotional benefits to our students is critically important and needs to be our priority. This schedule change will enable us to have face to face in person instruction with our students five days per week and more than double learning time in all core content areas. We believe this change will have a significant impact on student learning as we close out our scheduled school year and move towards summer intervention and academic support programs for our students in the month of June (More information on our plans for extended learning opportunities for our students will be provided to families after spring break).

Over the next week and a half we will be preparing for the adjustments to accommodate the combining of hybrid A and B student groups. We ask families to be patient with us as we work to accomplish this task. If you have questions or concerns I ask that next week you contact your child’s Principal directly by phone, email or other means that works best for you. Please make sure you check for communications from WCS or your child’s school so you can be most informed. We will post district wide communications to the WCS website and send via the email account provided by families through Final Forms. School specific messages will also be sent to the email address submitted through Final Forms and through the Remind App (PK-8 Schools).

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your child’s education.

Steve Chiaro, Superintendent
Warren City Schools