105 High Street, Warren, Ohio 44481 || Phone: 330-841-2321 || Fax: 330-841-2224

Technology Helpdesk
Having an issue using the technology that our district provides? Log on to the Helpdesk and submit a ticket. This is the fastest and easiest way to get a technician to address your issue. Please use the helpdesk instead of calling your technician directly or stopping them in the hallway as this usually ends in delays.
Technology Mission:
Each staff member in the Warren City School District will work as a team with students, parents, and the community to provide an effective, high-quality instructional program in a safe, pleasant learning environment. We will provide quality educational experiences meeting the needs of a diverse population by:- Empowering students as life-long learners.
- Preparing students for employment.
- Helping students become active participants in our community and society.
Acceptable Use Policy
With access to computers and people all over the world, also comes access to material that may be in appropriate and not be considered of educational value. We have taken precautions to restrict and block access to controversial materials. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials, and an industrious user may discover some controversial information. Students and all District users of this technology have the responsibility to use this educational opportunity properly in accordance with the rules of the District. (Board Policy #7540.03 , #7540.04 )What Are Considered “Acceptable Uses?”
- Learning activities in support of school instructional objectives.
- Research supporting educational or research programs sponsored by the school.
- Communications between faculty, staff and others outside the District containing messages or information that supports the educational purpose of the Warren City Schools.
What Are Considered “Non-Acceptable Uses?”
- Infringing on the rights or liberties of others.
- Illegal or criminal use of any kind.
- Utilization involving communications, materials, information, data or images reasonably regarded as obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, harassing, discriminatory or in violation or inconsistent with any other school policy.
- Accessing, viewing, printing, storing, transmitting, disseminating or selling any information protected by law or subject to privilege or an expectation of privacy.
- Causing or permitting materials protected by copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade secret, confidentially or proprietary data, or communications of another, to be uploaded to a computer of information system, published, broadcast or in any way disseminated without authorization from owner.
- Damaging or altering the operations, function, content or design of the school’s information technology facility.
- Granting access to the school’s information technology facilities to individuals not authorized by the school, either by intentional conduct such as disclosing passwords, or by unintentional conduct such as log off.
- Commercial, profit-motivated, or partisan political use not related to Warren City School programs.
What If My Student Violates The Use Of Technology?
Violations may result in the following actions being taken:- Verbal warning to the student.
- Warning and loss of computer privileges for the day.
- Warning and loss of computer privileges for the week. Notification to parent of student misuse.
- Parent notification and loss of computer privileges for the year.
- Student may face other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by the school building administrator.
District Technology Policies
Computer Technology and Networks (Policy 7540 ) Technology Privacy (Policy 7540.01 ) Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety (Policy 7540.03 ) Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety (Policy 7540.04 ) Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior (cyberbullying) (Policy 5517.01 )Documents
Student AUP (134.6 KiB, 1,236 hits)
Staff Acceptable Use Form (132.7 KiB, 1,110 hits)
Web Page Disclaimer (49.5 KiB, 1,093 hits)
Photo Release (231.8 KiB, 1,149 hits)
Technician on Special Assingment
Work Phone: 7232work
Work Email: frank.bosak@warrencityschools.orgINTERNET
Supervisor of Technology
Work Phone: 7215work
Work Email: danielle.miller@warrencityschools.orgINTERNET