What is Social and Emotional Learning?

CASEL Wheel. SEL involves coordinated strategies across Homes and Communities, Schools, and Classrooms. It encompasses teaching self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
Social and Emotion Learning (SEL) involves teaching and facilitating skills that students and adults need to be successful at home, at school, in the workplace, in life.  When students and adults have social and emotional skills they are self and socially aware, and have the ability to manage themselves both independently and while interacting with others.  They can listen to perspectives of others, use positive communication, be aware of cultural issues and differences, set and achieve goals, and take personal responsibility for they learning.

For Parents

By working together, schools and parents can promote children’s SEL skills can lead to more confident and successful children.

Raising Caring, Respectful, and Courageous Children

Social and Emotional Resources for Parents

The Role of Parents 

By working together, schools and parents can promote children’s social and emotional learning class
Key SEL skills include:

  • Self awareness
    • Recognizing feelings and managing anger
  • Understanding others
    • Developing empathy and taking the perspective of others
  • Making Responsible decisions and following through
    • Includes considering long-term consequences of actions
  • Understanding Yourself 
    • Handling emotions, setting goals, dealing with obstacles.
  • Building healthy relationships 
    • Saying no to negative peer pressure, working to resolve conflicts constructively.

For Students

Young people who feel safe and supported are happy learners and can focus their attention on academics and become engaged in their school.Two students involved in our peer mediation program

For Educators

SEL can greatly impact student learning and school success when teachers model positive behaviors and reinforce the skills in students.

A Habit of Practice

SEL becomes a habit of practice when students, adults, and the entire school community remember that we use our SEL skills all day long, not just for a 30 minute block once a week.  Research and literature on effective social and emotional learning identifies three critical ways in which SEL skills are learned (CASEL,ASD).

 How Do We Achieve SEL?

In the Warren City School District, SEL is achieved in three ways:

1. Climate- Creating a safe and respectful learning environment, which is well managed, supportive, and engaging with active participation.

2., Direct Instruction- Using a variety of programs to deliberately teach the SEL skills students need to be successful learners.

3. Infusion- Integrating SEL skills throughout the day and in all curriculum areas through modeling of instructional practices that promote SEL skill and practice and maximize learning.

Direct Instruction Programs

SEL programs currently being used in Warren City Schools.

  • The 4 R’s -PK-6th
    • Reading, Writing, Respect and Resolution

Morning Side Center 

  • Inner Resilience Program -PK-12

The Inner Resilience Program