105 High Street, Warren, Ohio 44481 || Phone: 330-841-2321

The Department of Community Outreach and Grant Development is responsible for supervising and providing direct services in support of Family Involvement/Education/Prevention, and Intervention Services throughout the District. The Services of School Counselors, School Community Liaisons, Family Housing Navigator, and staff of our four 21st Century Community Learning Centers are managed from this department. The Community Outreach Department works collaboratively with numerous community agencies and organizations to identify and access community based resources in support of our children and families. Department staff provides immediate crisis management and support as needed throughout the District. A number of specific grants (McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Grant, two 21st Century Community Learning Grants, and the Schermer Trust and DiYorio Foundation Grants) are managed by the departments providing direct services for:

ASupport for families experiencing Homelessness under the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Act to ensure identified children and youth have access to a free and appropriate education by removing barriers to homelessness. Advocacy for educational rights. For more information please click HERE.

RaiTwann Gaston, Family Housing Navigator Program
330 841-2321 ext. 7239
Providing families experiencing homelessness or potential eviction with rehousing services.


21st Century Learning Centers Program Manager
Work Phone: 7133
Categories: 21st Century Learning
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Supervisor of Community Outreach & Grant Development
Work Phone: x7220
Categories: Community Outreach & Grant Development
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