KFC dishes out hometown hospitality to Jefferson PK-8 School

Leaders from seven area KFCs recently delivered dozens of chicken dinners, complete with all the fixings, to Warren’s Jefferson PK-8 School.

The meals were distributed at the end of the school day for students to take home and enjoy.

The leadership represented KFCs in the Youngstown-Warren Market. Those from KFC who helped deliver and package the meals for students to take home were: 

  • Monique McCree, Belmont Avenue, Liberty manager.
  • Kyle Gilmore, Elm Road, Warren, manager
  • Sue Redington, Boardman manager
  • Sharon Green, Cornersburg manager, with Ken Roberts, shift supervisor
  • Paula Jones, West Market Street, Warren, manager
  • Louisa Fife, Austintown, manager
  • Tori Pendley, Hermitage, Pa., assistant manager
  • Mir Kahn, Niles, manager
  • Robin Warrick, Market 2 area coach, Youngstown-Warren Market. 

WGH Biology Students Set ‘Survivor’ Scene To Study Biomes

Students in Ashley Gammon’s biology class at Warren G. Harding High School recently recreated the TV series Survivor as part of their studies about biomes.

Like Survivor, which places participants an isolated location where they must provide food, fire and shelter for themselves, our Harding students were randomly assigned to one of 84 locations, and now, theoretically, have to “survive” in that biome for three months. They must figure out the biome they are in, consider the plants and animals they can use, and make plans for surviving within their biomes for three months. 

“They were really engaged and having a ton of fun with it,” Gammon said.  

A biome is a large area characterized by its vegetation, soil, climate, and wildlife.

There are five major types of biomes: aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra, though some of these biomes can be further divided into more specific categories.

Stuffed to the Brim! Nick Frankos Donates Dozens of Turkeys to WCSD Families

Thanks to the generosity of the Nick Frankos Memorial Scholarship Fund, Warren City Schools is once again able to provide turkeys to families of students at each of the district’s five schools.

Several years ago, Mr. Frankos contacted the principals at Lincoln PK-8 School to see if they would be able to distribute 40 turkeys to families of students there. Mr. Frankos delivered the turkeys himself and got to see some of the students whose families were to be recipients. One of the students came up to him privately and thanked him for the donation, telling him that if it weren’t for his kindness, his family wouldn’t be able to have turkey for Thanksgiving.   

That memory has stuck with Mr. Frankos through the years, and he has progressively grown his donation to include other buildings beyond Lincoln.  This year, through the extreme generosity of Mr. Frankos and the Memorial Fund, the district was able to coordinate efforts at all five WCS buildings.

Equity & Access: Students & families help WCS staff cut the ribbon at the new PK playground at Harding

Students and their families lined up Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022, to help Warren City Schools staff cut the ribbon at the new preschool playground at Warren G. Harding High School.

The new playground is part of the district’s ongoing mission to provide equity and access to all students from preschool through 12th grade.

“The district saw the need for the preschool at Harding to have a playground to meet the needs of the whole child,” said Kelly Hutchison, the district’s preschool coordinator. “We are happy to see the joy that the playground provides while tending to the health and wellness of our early learners.”

The district’s 5-Star, state-rated preschool program serves over 300 students at five sites, including two classrooms at Harding.

The school district began looking at construction proposals in the spring of 2022. The materials were delivered to the district on Wednesday, Oct. 26, and the project was completed by Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022.