Our Human Resources department has created a quick guide to help you find and apply for a job here at Warren City Schools.
You can find our Job Opportunities Here
Our Human Resources department has created a quick guide to help you find and apply for a job here at Warren City Schools.
You can find our Job Opportunities Here
Thanks to the generosity of the Nick Frankos Memorial Scholarship Fund, Warren City Schools is able to provide turkeys to families of students at each of our five schools.
On Friday, Nov. 19, the district received 160 turkeys from the Nick Frankos Memorial Scholarship Fund to benefit our families. Each of the buildings distributed these turkeys to families in different ways.
Warren City Schools will be offering breakfast and lunch pick up from 11 a.m. to noon at the following locations:
Look for the yellow school bus 11 a.m. to noon at the following remote sites:
Warren City Schools would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
To support the mental health and well-being of the dedicated staff members who have been working through the pandemic in support of the children in the City of Warren, the Warren City School District is cancelling in-person instruction for students on Monday, Nov. 22 and Tuesday, Nov. 23.
Instead, students will engage in remote learning both days. This will allow the school district to focus on wellness-based activities and allow time for staff.
Students who participate in Warren City Schools’ Transition to Work program are garnering additional real world job experience while working with the district’s community partner at Goodwill.
Our Students with Disabilities are being coached by two staff members from Warren G. Harding High School.
While the district already has a variety of jobs to complete at Goodwill, this year we have expanded to provide our students the opportunity to shadow the cashiers in order to make connections with the customers. They get to experience and practice the social skills needed to work in a merchandise setting, while witnessing the complexities of the payment process as well.
The best way to ensure that students with disabilities will be competitively employed upon graduation is to provide them with job readiness and self advocacy skills while still in high school.
We are proud of our students’ hard work and dedication to both their education as well as their commitment to their transition goals. We look forward to the continued success of our students in our Transition to Work program for years to come!
During the 2020-2021 school year, school districts in Ohio began receiving additional state set-aside Title I funds through the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child (EOEC) grant.
The EOEC grant’s four focus areas include advanced coursework, career pathways, personalized learning, and credit recovery and academic acceleration services, providing a unique opportunity to create and expand programming for students.
At Warren G. Harding High School, EOEC grant funds have both expanded and added career pathways and services for high school students earning industry recognized credentials (IRC), including credentialing programming and assessments for students such as OSHA and RISE Up, the Career Connections Pre-Apprenticeship Program designed by the Carpenters International Training Fund (shown above), Student Leadership Excellence at grade 9, welding simulators for expanded program access, and soon-to-be CPR credential training for students.
These opportunities are driven by the graduation requirements for the Class of 2023 and beyond that give students more flexibility in determining a pathway that best aligns to their future goals of being enrolled, employed, or enlisted.
Teachers across the district recently participated in professional learning activities focused on social-emotional learning.
The professional learning day was designed to allow educators to examine brain research to illustrate how social-emotional learning and trauma-informed classroom management practices can work together to create classrooms where students are ready to engage in learning.
The training is one example of the district’s ongoing efforts to meet the needs of the entire child.
Jefferson PK-8 first grade students have been enjoying practicing their phonics skills with a twist, and a twirl for that matter.
Students in Mrs. Haswell’s class had to pronounce the phonemes displayed on the flash card: A correct response would earn a roll of the die to determine how many stations the student was able to advance in the “Sensory Hallway”.
According to Jefferson Campus Leader Carrie Boyer, the Sensory Hallway has been around since 2019 and was created to allow students to take a “brain break” from learning and increase physical activity while improving large motor skills. This creative learning activity gave students a chance to exercise out some late afternoon restlessness while reinforcing the phonics skills of letter ID and letter sound ID.
The Warren G. Harding High School Symphonic Band was selected to perform on stage with Dallas Brass Nov. 9 at Packard Music Hall.
The Harding band joined the ensemble for the selection “American Tableau. “The Dallas Brass performance was part of the Warren Civic Music Association’s 2021-22 concert series.
Members of Dallas Brass also spent some time earlier in the day working with and performing for students at Warren G. Harding High School. Several of Harding’s Symphonic Band members received some pointers on performing in small ensembles.
During its travels, Dallas Brass often selects a local high school band from the community in which the ensemble is performing to join the group on stage. Harding students previously appeared with the ensemble at the Packard during a concert in 2015.
Dallas Brass has toured extensively across the country. Founder and artist director Michael Levine said the ensemble seeks to entertain while also educating and inspiring young musicians. Dallas Brass has worked with some 300,000 students in more than 2,500 concerts, rehearsals and clinics since the ensemble’s inception in1983.
Please refer to theses resources for more information:
Akron Children’s Hospital Offering COVID-19 Vaccines for all eligible students, ages 5 and up