The 2023-2024 school year produced positive data in many areas.  Student enrollment increased and many areas have returned or increased from pre-pandemic levels.  As a district w have fully transitioned to the Science of Reading and expect to see an increase in our District K-3 Literacy grade.  We have begun to see a positive shift in both reading and math as we continue to implement structures and strategies to support academic success.  Our graduation rate remains above the state average at Warren G. Harding High School.

The foundation of a solid education starts at a young age.  The Warren City School District offers certified/licensed preschool programs at all five of our school buildings, with over 300, three and four year old students enrolled across the City of Warren.  We are proud to announce that preschool programs at all five of our buildings are five star rated by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, the highest rating offered by the State of Ohio!  It is safe to say that building a strong educational foundation through the Warren City Schools Preschool Program is an excellent way to begin a life of learning!

Student Statistics 2023-2024

End of Year Enrollment…………………………………………………4563

Percent of Average Daily Attendance……………………………88.4%

Number of students who received diplomas in June…….250

Average Teacher Experience & Training

Bachelor’s degree (plus 18 semester hours or below)……39%

Master’s Degree or above……………………………………………..61%

Average Teaching Experience………………………………………..16.17 years

Percentage of Staff By Race & Sex





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