Warren City School District is immersed in the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP). With the help of State Support Team 5 (SSTR 5), Warren developed a three year (from 2014 through the end of the 2017 school year) wide plan for improvement. Our improvement plan is focused on three target areas: Leadership, Culture and Climate, and Academics. Goals are written for each target area supported by strategies and actions steps that are meant to help the district meet the goals written. The Warren School District OIP Plan continuously monitors adult implementation and student performance. Each year, the District reviews the 3-year OIP Plan and the progress the District made in implementation of the strategies towards meeting our goals; therefore, the plan is a fluid document.
Additionally, each building in the Warren City School District, after reviewing the current school year’s focus and analysis of building needs, determines what actions steps they will employ at the building this year to meet the strategies and goals set forth in the district plan.
After careful reflection and monitoring with the SSTR 5, the OIP Plan for the Warren City School District will focus on two goals: climate and academics. Details and specifics of Year 2, the 2015-2016 school year, of the three year OIP Plan can be found below. A link to the entire plan, including action steps and measures, is found below.
Mission and Non-negotiables 2017-2020