‘Put Your Rocks in Order’, Guest Speaker R. Keeth Matheny advises WGH students

Internationally known speaker, author and educator R. Keeth Matheny made a recent visit to Warren City Schools to encourage students and staff and support the school district’s Project Lighthouse work.

The conversations were specific to “Academic Success Skills,” the first theme of the series.

Matheny and his wife, Cory, spent three days, Sept. 24, 25, and 26, in the school district, visiting classrooms, working with students, and providing professional development to support to staff.   

While working with freshman during their Raider Days on Tuesday, Sept. 24, Matheny illustrated the importance of prioritizing with the “Rocks in a Jar” analogy. The exercise shows how prioritizing takes planning. 

If you try to put everything in the jar at once, it doesn’t fit. However, if you put your “big rocks” (most important things) first, you can make it work.   

The lesson was part of the first 9-week focus on supporting student success by helping them learn strategies to build Academic Success Skills. 

Matheny also led Warren G. Harding High School teachers through this activity during morning meeting time.

Coaching & Communicating: Willard Teachers Learn A Few Lessons on the Football Field

Teachers from the Willard PK-8 School learned a few lessons themselves on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, as part of the Warren City Schools’ first waiver day of the 2024-2025 school year.

School was in session for district staff and for Willard teachers, the classroom was on the field at Mollenkopf Stadium on the Warren G. Harding High School campus.

Willard staff worked worked with the Canton Football Hall of Fame to put the program together. The purpose was for teachers to see, and/or remember, what it is like to be a student in class.

Teachers were given football positions and had to work with one of our Warren’s coaches. The coaches were instructed to teach the students just as if were their own players.

To a lot of the teachers, the football positions and plays were very foreign. It was all about communication and what it’s possibly like in the classroom when students don’t understand.

The teachers worked with the football coaches who taught them some football plays. The test to see how well they did involved going out on the football field and trying to put what they learned to use.

Some of the teachers struggled or had a difficult time because they did not understand the concept, which is what a student goes through every day in class, explained Willard Principal/Campus Leader Carly Polder.

The activity helped shed some light on how the teachers can change their instruction and try to meet the needs of all of their students, and how everyone learns in a different way.