Extended Learning


Program Open to K-8 Students in All Four PK-8 Schools

The Warren City Schools is excited to announce that we will be taking applications for students to participate in our June Extended Learning Opportunities at all four schools!

This opportunity will have an academic focus and is designed to support students who were impacted educationally due to COVID-19 over the past school year. 

Students will engage with teachers and support staff in all four academic content areas (Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies).  Over 100 dedicated teachers have signed up to teach and all we need now is for you to complete an application for your child.  

Students will be in school a full school day.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided and we will provide transportation to students that ride the bus during the regular school year.  Start and end times have not been finalized as we are waiting until after all applications have been submitted to work on transportation routes.  The program will run for the following 14 days:

June 7 – 10

June 14 – 17

June 21 – 24

June 28 & 29

If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact your school’s Campus Leader.


Steve Chiaro


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