WCS Showing Up for Kids and Families in a Trauma Informed Way

Christin Brugler, who is a Trauma-Informed Care Specialist with Warren City Schools, recently facilitated workshops with building secretaries, educational assistants and bus drivers.

The workshop gave the participants an understanding of the causes and effects, and how to best respond to trauma in themselves and in others.

Having a better understanding of the biological, mental, and emotional responses of trauma will help build resilience against the effects and better equip these essential district employees to create the conditions for work spaces and interactions that will help get the most out of our students and staff, as well as themselves.  

‘Your work is being recognized inside and outside the district,’ Superintendent tells WCS staff at Convocation 2023

Warren City Schools Superintendent/CEO Steve Chiaro praised and encouraged staff members who gathered for the annual districtwide Convocation on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023.

The gathering is held every year before students return to school. Students return on Monday, Aug. 21, 2023.

Superintendent Chiaro shared with the staff some of the compliments Gov. Mike DeWine offered in public, and in private about the work taking place within the school district to serve and advance students while preparing them for positive outcomes and bright futures.

During recent visits to Warren City Schools and Warren City, Gov. DeWine shared at various events that students attending Warren City Schools “are already a step ahead.” While discussing his recently launched initiative ReadOhio, Mr. DeWine shared that Warren City Schools:

“Where some school districts across the state are just getting started implementing (areas) of the ReadOhio initiative, Warren has already been steps ahead. The people of the (Warren) community should be very proud. This is something (Warren) started way back before the pandemic.” 

Likewise, Superintendent Chiaro thanked district staff for their ongoing efforts and reminded them to focus on why they are at Warren City Schools and work in education.

LAUNCHING 2023-2024: WCS Back To School Celebration welcomes students, families & staff to the new school year

Hugs, smiles, laughter and excitement took center stage Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023, when Warren City Schools staff greeted families, students and community members at Courthouse Square in Warren for the district’s annual Back to School Celebration.

Hundreds of district residents gathered at the square to welcome the new school year with a variety of activities, including games, face painting, drawings and performances by the Warren G. Harding Raider Band.

Students and their families shared summer stories with their teachers and principals and used the time to catch up before the first day of school on Monday, Aug. 21.

Superintendent, BOE join Gov. Mike DeWine for groundbreaking at former WWR HS site; new home of planned industrial park

Warren City Schools Superintendent Steve Chiaro, Board of Education President Julian Walker, Vice President Patricia M. Limperos, board member John Fowley and John Lacy, Director of Business Operations, on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023, attended the groundbreaking for the new West Warren Industrial Park project.

The school district owned about 30 acres of the land, but sold it to the developer for the project. It was the home of the former Warren Western Reserve High School, which later was a middle school middle for the district. Alden Elementary School also was at the site. Warren City owned the other 50 or acres where the former Westlawn neighborhood was located.

School leaders were among a large group of local and state officials in attendance, including Gov. Mike DeWine, who commended everyone involved for their efforts in advancing Warren City and Warren Schools.

Are you ready for some RAIDER FOOTBALL?! Don’t forget to buy your tickets online

Individuals wanting to attend any Warren City Schools sports events must purchase tickets online through Sept. 30, 2023.

All of the district’s athletic teams will continue to require electronic tickets to enter sports events until Ohio House Bill 33 goes into effect in early October.

A provision in Ohio House Bill 33 requires Ohio High School Athletic Association member schools to begin accepting cash as a form of payment for admissions and concession stand sales for all “school-affiliated events” when the legislation takes effect.

Warren City Schools electronic tickets and season passes may be purchased online at https://wghathletics.org/event-tickets.

Gov. Mike & First Lady Fran DeWine give WCS high marks for an ‘outstanding’ job in advancing students’ reading skills

Gov Mike and First Lady Fran DeWine spent part of their day on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, hearing from teachers and administrators during a roundtable discussion at Warren G. Harding High School.

The governor praised Warren City Schools on the district’s efforts and accomplishments in advancing reading skills among students – including Warren’s youngest learners. He assured school leaders he understands the importance of support from the state level to local schools.

The discussion also included Ohio Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Christopher Woolard, Ph.D.

The DeWines also outlined the newly announced the statewide ReadOhio initiative designed to encourage improved literacy skills for all ages, including the implementation of curriculum aligned with the science of reading in k-12 schools. The science of reading refers to research that has been conducted for decades by scientists and literacy experts that shows there is an actual science behind learning to read and that certain skills need to be taught, including phonics.

Part of the stop included a visit to the preschool room at Harding for a first-hand look at how Warren teachers interact with their early learners.

The governor said he appreciated the “wonderful, warm welcome,” he received from the district and especially loved the greeting from the Raider Band with a special surprise performance upon his arrival to Harding.

News coverage of the visit:




CLASS IN SESSION: WCS teachers learn ‘smart board’ principles

Teachers in the Warren City School District spent some time this summer learning about smart boards. The interactive tools — also called whiteboards or e-boards — are used to help improve students’ learning experiences.

Whiteboards allow teachers and students to learn collaboratively, share files, access online resources and use educational software.

Teachers have spent the past several days preparing for the new school year by learning more about whiteboards and developing their skills using them during special training sessions, facilitated by Danielle Miller, the district’s Supervisor of Technology.

WGH Freshman Academy prepares incoming students for the new year and their new surroundings

Touring Warren G. Harding High School: Incoming students learn their way around their new surroundings as part of this year’s Freshman Academy.

Each year, the doors at Warren G. Harding High School open a few weeks early for incoming students.

As part of the district’s Freshman Academy, incoming students have an opportunity to become familiar with the layout of their new school building, meet some of their teachers and other school staff and prepare for the new school year.

They receive their schedules; are assigned their lockers; learn building procedures; discuss their futures; and more.

This year’s Freshman Academy is made up of members of the Class of 2027.  Daily sessions were held this year on Aug. 8-11. Along with building tours, the students and staff discuss the points covered in the Warren City Schools We Are Warren acronym:

  • Work Ethic
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Effective Behavior
  • No Excuses

Class in session for WCS employees

Classes don’t stop for Warren City School employees during “Summer Break.”

Robbie Rowan of Oregon-based Safe and Civil Schools discusses positive behavior intervention with Warren City School staff during a workshop at Warren G. Harding in June .

The district continues to provide the staff with continued learning opportunities and experience.

For example, this summer about 250 Warren City Schools Teachers and Administrators participated in a two-day Positive Behavior Intervention Workshop facilitated by Safe and Civil Schools based in of Portland, Oregon.

The workshop introduced staff to the CHAMPS & Discipline in the Secondary Classroom frameworks that create structure and routines that proactively work to clarify expectations and engage students through relationships and predictability.

The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing appreciation for being equipped with the perspective and tools to help them best respond to the changing needs of their students.

Workshop sessions were offered in June and August. Presenters were Robbie Rowan in June and Jeremy Resnick in August 

Jeremy Resnick of Oregon-based Safe and Civil Schools discusses positive behavior intervention with Warren City School staff during a workshop at Warren G. Harding in August .

ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW START TIMES for ALL Warren City School Buildings

With the 2023-2024 academic year, school will start 15 minutes earlier than in previous years for ALL Warren City School Students.

New start and departure times, respectively, are:

  • Warren G. Harding High School: 7:25 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
  • Lincoln PK-8 School: 8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
  • McGuffey PK-8 School: 8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
  • Jefferson PK-8 School: 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Willard PK-8 School: 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.