Warren G. Harding High School Students along with their advisors, Ahmed Sutton and Maryjo Pardee, recently spent the day at the 2022 Y.S.U. English Festival. At the event, students met authors, entered writing competitions, had book talks, and participated in games.
This year the top prize, The Candace Gay Memorial Essay Contest, was won by Freshman Sophie Gardner.
Other writing competitions won by warren G Harding students are as follows:
Denise Hendrie: I <3 Limericks
Brenna Bitner: Writing Games
Bryan Angel: Writing Games
Shanyla Bundy: Impromptu Writing
Janaya Carnathan: Writing Games
Emily Barrickman: Writing Games
Dylan Smith: Impromptu writing
Rose Strother: Impromptu writing
Courtney Wilcox: I <3 Limericks
Sophie Gardner: I <3 Limericks
Yurelis Navarro: I <3 Limericks