Warren City Schools has continued putting the district’s Social and Emotional Learning efforts into action.
District leaders continued to develop their knowledge and action around Equity and SEL with a session for all members of the District Leadership Team. Teachers and administrators from all buildings were involved in the Oct. 3 session that highlighted different aspects of Equity and Privilege. In the near future, the Warren District Leadership Team will lead in the education and advancement of Equity issues in the school district, making this important topic a bi-partisan effort.
District efforts continued with an interactive roundtable at Warren G. Harding High School where teacher/administrative leaders led small student groups in discussions around hopes/fears – discovering student voice at all grade levels. Every staff member and student participated. Later, roundtable staff leaders and select students, facilitated by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) Consultant Linda Lantieri and building administrators discussed the process. As a result of that conversation, the group decided that the students would advise the staff on the next steps of the monthly roundtable process.