Circle of Friends: Willard PK-8 students express friendship with handmade bracelets

Students at Willard PK-8 School recently spent some time giving bracelets to classmates who have been good friends.

The middle school students helped the K-2 students make the bracelets. Some of the bracelets had the recipient’s name.

The Willard Friendship Bracelets activity was part of the school’s commitment to encourage students to “Be A Good Friend.”

Plants, bees & other things: WCS kindergarten students learn from Masters Gardeners

Kindergarten students from Warren City Schools four PK-8 Buildings – Jefferson, Lincoln, McGuffey and Willard – traveled to the Garfield Community Garden the week of Oct. 2, 2023, to spend some time with members of The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program.

Topics and activities included:

  • The Importance of Pollinators and Pollinator Plants Students visited the Monarch Way Station and Pollinator Gardens where they learned about Monarchs, native butterflies, and native bees, and observed pollinators at work and pollinator plants. Each kindergarten class received milkweed seeds.
  • A Vegetable “Hunt” that included information about how different kinds of vegetables grow, i.e, root vegetables, vines, etc., and seasons in which they are planted and harvested. Students were asked to identify vegetables. Volunteers were stationed at the vegetable stops. Each class received samples.
  • Garlic planting. Instructed and assisted by volunteers, each student planted a garlic clove in a prepared plot. Each class was given a garlic pot to grow in the classroom and teachers were given information about growing garlic.
  • Viewing the African Corn Patch Each class learned about Winnie’s fantastic corn patch.

Plasma table gives WGH metals & welding students ‘cutting edge’ opportunity

To better teach his students in the lab, metals and welding instructor Tom Sullivan spent part of Warren City Schools Oct. 4, 2023, Waiver/Professional Learning Day honing his skills on the new cutting machine at Warren G. Harding High School.

The machine is actually a 2022 Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma Table made by Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems. 

The four welding booths and four welding simulators at Harding were all produced by Lincoln Electric.  The school district has developed a great partnership with the company’s office in Cleveland dating back at least seven years, explained Suzette Jackson, assistant curriculum director for grades 6-12.

Plasma tables are used in manufacturing, agricultural, engineering and construction fields to cut iron, stainless steel, aluminum and other metals using a plasma torch. Plasma cutting machines are computer automated, allowing for a high level accuracy for a precise cuts. They have been used to make signs, yard art, outdoor furniture, gates, indoor décor, wall décor, emblems, fire pits, decorative panels, and sculptures, among other items.

The district was able to purchase the plasma table with federal grant funding through an Expanding Opportunities for Each Child grant.

McGuffey PK-8: Encouraging Positive Behavior through Student Rewards System

In Mrs. Mickler’s 3rd grade class at McGuffey PK-8 School, one goal is for her students to collectively garner 50 compliments from others, including teachers and staff.

If a student receives a compliment while walking down the hall, he or she may tally it on Mrs. Mickler’s Compliment Chart. Once the class reaches the 50-mark goal, the students will be rewarded with an activity, such as a party, to celebrate.

It’s all part of Warren City Schools efforts to facilitate Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) among all students.

Meanwhile, in Mrs. Waldman’s 1st grade class, students earn McGuffey dollars they can redeem at the McGuffey Store. Some are saving up for various items such as stickers, candy or other snacks, bracelets and special drinks. Other rewards include being permitted to take their shoes off in class, sitting with a friend for the day or a positive call from the school to the student’s home.

WCS holds additional Waiver/Professional Learning Day to continue & enhance work taking place to serve students

To support the work that has been started in many areas to best meet the needs of students, Warren City Schools held an additional Waiver/Professional Learning day for district staff on Wednesday, Oct. 4.   

For example, Health/PE teachers worked on their pacing, benchmarks, and collaboration.