Kristie Pierce and Her cross category students had an “apple style” Fun Friday , September 30th. They had apple nachos followed by apple emoji bingo. Wow!
Left to Right , Top: Jaiden, Camillia, David, Erick Bottom: Jacob, Dakoda, Yanni and Mahkai
Kristie Pierce and Her cross category students had an “apple style” Fun Friday , September 30th. They had apple nachos followed by apple emoji bingo. Wow!
The Lincoln Preschool students got a visit from Engine 5 of the Warren Fire Department on Tuesday September 27th . They were able to get close to the fire truck and learn about fire safety. The students enjoyed getting an awesome firefighter helmet to wear.
Fire Prevention Week is October 9–15, 2022. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) theme for this year is : Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape. This theme helps to remind you to have an escape plan in your house in case of a fire. NFPA promotes practicing what you would do in case of a fire.
One of the activities of our “Just say Hello” week was that everyone would dress up in Browns or Steelers Gear. The big rivalry game between the Browns and Steelers was to be on that night, Thursday Sept. 22nd . The students and staff really went all out. The Browns won. Sorry Steelers fans, maybe next year!
WCS Employees will be participating in ongoing professional development and training essential to supporting student learning and success.
Each year, thousands of schools and youth organizations nationwide participate in Start With Hello Week, a national call-to-action week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging among youth. Start With Hello is one of Sandy Hook’s, Know the Signs programs that helps teach students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other.
Mrs. Richardson’s 6th grade science class used granola to model physical weathering. Physical weathering is the process that breaks rocks apart without changing their chemical composition. So cool!