Mad Cap Puppets
Mad Cap Puppets presented “The Wizard of Oz” for all Kindergarten – Second grade students.
Parents and students were invited to come back to have dinner and watch the show with their families.
Various students got an up close look at the puppets after the dinner show.
District Art Show
Students from Lincoln had artwork on display at Warren G. Harding for the districts annual display of the Arts.
Several students won awards for their artwork.
English Festival Participants
Students, under the supervision of Mrs. Sanata, participated in the 46th annual YSU English Festival with three students receiving honors or awards. More details to follow.
Students listen to a noted author or authors of some of the books they have read, write impromptu essays, collaborate on workshop activities, attend dramatic or artistic performances, participate in “insight” book discussions, and try their skills at language games and “not-so-trivial pursuit” competitions
Literacy Carnival Fun
Students and families in grades K-2 attended a Literacy Carnival in the gymnasium. Students practiced literacy skills they have been learning through the year.
Literacy Carnival
Dinner Theater
Click on the link below to submit reservation. Please send in $2.00 cash for each adult attending.