Proudly servicing approximately 1250 students in grades PK-8, Lincoln is situated in the Northeastern portion of the City of Warren on Atlantic Street.  What was formerly a tiny Kindergarten and First Grade building with a set of ball fields behind it has now grown to become the largest of the four PK-8 buildings in the city.

Among the offerings and programming, here are some highlights about Lincoln:

  • A half-day Pre-k program servicing two classes of children aged 3 and 4
  • A balanced Literacy framework in grades K-5
  • A conceptually based Math program in gades K-8
  • Teachers and administrators in grades K-2 are being trained in conjunction with Ohio State University’s Literacy Collaborative
  • Student activities including:
    • Lego League
    • Drama Club
    • Destination Imagination
    • Spelling Bee
    • National Geographic Bee
    • English Festival
    • Junior Great Books
    • Science Fair
    • National Junior Honor Society
    • Challenge 24
    • Student Council
    • Prep Bowl
    • Math Counts
    • Power of the Pen
    • Intramural Sports
  • Our staff is made up of more than 115 professionals ranging from teachers to coaches to counselors to secretaries
  • More than 60% of our teaching staff has earned at least a Master’s Degree
  • Our administrative team is made up of 4 Principals, a Supervisor of School Improvement, and a Special Education Supervisor
  • Literacy and Family events span from grades PK-8
  • Musical performances in the elementary grades, and band/choir performances in middle grades
  • Visual arts programming in grades K-8
  • Technology programming in grades K-8
  • Active parent volunteers
  • Foster grandparent program
  • Tales to Tails—Reading with canines
  • Community partnerships with St. Paul Lutheran Church, Christ Episcopal Church, St. Demetrios Community Center, The Fifth Wheel
  • Lincoln Leader school store
  • School Resource Officer
  • Recipients of several grants, including a fresh fruit and vegetable grant that offers students in grades PK-5 fresh fruits and vegetables daily.


School Visitor Procedures

The District welcomes and encourages visits by parents and other adult residents of the community. However, for the educational program to continue undisturbed and to prevent the intrusion of disruptive persons into the schools, the District has adopted the following visitor rules. (Board Policy #9150)

If You Plan To VisitLincoln PK-8 Student Drop Off and Pickup Map

  • Parents and school visitors should make advance arrangements with the school office. Upon arrival at the school, parents and visitors must register with the office.
  • The Building Administrator or designee will arrange all parent or visitor conferences with students and may need to be present.
  • A student will be permitted to leave the school only with a person who has been clearly identified as his or her parent or guardian or a person authorized to act on the parent or guardian’s behalf.
  • Business people must also register and receive authorization to be present to conduct business with a staff member.
  • The Superintendent or Building Administrator has the authority to prohibit the entry or to expel any person from a school when there
    is reason to believe the person would be detrimental to the order of the school.

Weapons of Any Kind Are Not Permitted In A School Safety Zone The Board of Education prohibits staff members, students and visitors from possessing, storing, making or using a weapon, including a concealed weapon in a school safety zone. The Superintendent/designee shall refer any violator to law enforcement officials, regardless of whether he/she possesses a valid concealed weapons license. (Board Policy #5772)

Threatening Behavior Toward a Staff Member Is Not Permitted. Any words or deeds that intimidate a staff member or cause anxiety concerning his/her physical well-being is strictly forbidden. Any parent, visitor, staff member or agent of the Board who is found to have threatened a member of the staff may be reported to the police. He/she also will be excluded from school grounds until such time that the individual is not a threat to the health and safety of the staff and students.

(Board Policy #3362.01#4362.01)