Graduating Seniors Visit
Seniors that attended Lincoln in elementary and middle school visited one last time before they graduate. Students lined the halls and cheered for as they walked the hallways!
Petting Zoo
Students in Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten had the pleasure of visiting a mobile petting zoo as part of their end of the year festivities.
Talent Show
Students in grades 6-8 were able to show off their talents in a school assembly. Students danced, sang, played musical instruments and had a good time supporting their fellow students.
Winners: Bryson Scott won first place with his nunchaku performance and Andrew Imes was the runner up with his piano performance.
Good Luck Power of the Pen
Lincoln’s Power of the Pen team has done amazing at competitions this year. The team which consists of all 8th grade girls has won at district and regional competitions.
Micaiah Capers and Oliva Waldron are competing at the state competition at Ashland University this week. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!
Zoo Time
Students spent a beautiful Friday afternoon walking the grounds of the Akron Zoo. Students were treated to a carousal and train ride to complete the perfect zoo trip.
Kindergarten School Days
Lincoln was full of singing voices from our class of 2035 students. Each class sang two songs and then came together to sing a school favorite ” Kindergarten Rocks!”
Spirit Week
Students and staff participated in a “Spirit Week” the first week of May. Themes included: Hawaiian shirts, Star War, Western, Color War, and Disney.
Art Show
The gym at Harding was packed full of amazing artwork pieces from students from across the district on May 5th. Top awards went to students from Lincoln. Congratulations to all students that participated and to Mrs. Babik and Mrs. Newbrough their hard work and dedication to the student’s at Lincoln.
Nolana Cruz 1st 1st place 6-8 pod
Raylee Katona 2nd place 6-8 pod
Gabriella Thornton 3rd 6-8 pod
Isaiah Jackson Honorable Mention – 7th grade
Tristan Hobbs principal’s award
Genevieve Ramey 1st place 3-5 pod
Scott Wilson 3rd 3-5 pod
Ethan Cline 3rd K-2 pod
Skylah Travis Honorable Mention – Kindergarten
Madelyn Angel Honorable Mention – 1st grade