105 High Street, Warren, Ohio 44481 || Phone: 330-841-2321 || Fax: 330-841-2227
The Warren City School District is rich in diversity and culture. Our school community embraces all of its children and is committed to providing exciting educational experiences for all children.
Warren City Schools provides a continuum of services and supports designed for children with disabilities. All children, however, have learning differences and a variety of needs. Every staff member in Warren City has the responsibility for educating all its children and preparing its children for a place in their community.
Research confirms that the most effective schools are those that design a system of integrated service delivery models that provide targeted interventions, opportunity for enrichment, and positive behavioral supports for all children, with staff members that believe that all children can learn and make progress. Through teamwork, collaborative problem-solving, a focus on student learning and a belief that all children have a right to quality education, we will ensure educational opportunity for all. We strive to recognize and protect the dignity and worth of all children in our school community.
- Specific Learning Disability
- Emotionally Disturbed
- Orthopedically Handicapped
- Speech Handicapped
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Hearing Handicapped
- Developmentally Handicapped
- Multi-Handicapped
- Other Health Impaired
- Visually Impaired
- Autism
Other Services
- Orientation and Mobility
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Audiological Services
- School Psychological Services
- Teacher Aide/Attendant
- Interpreter Services
Child Find
The Warren City School District is engaged in an intensive awareness campaign to locate children with disabilities. This process is known as Child Find.
What is Child Find? Local educational agencies are required under Federal Regulation 34 CFR 300.220 to initiate an intensive awareness campaign to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities who may need special education or related services.
What is the Purpose of Child Find?
- To promote public awareness of disabilities
- To alert parents, professionals, and the general public to locate children who may have special needs
- To assist school districts in finding children who may have disabilities and who otherwise may not have come to the district’s attention
- To enable children and families to receive the special education and related services that are needed
Who Can Help?
Parents, relatives, public and private agencies, and concerned citizens can help school districts find any child who is age birth through 21 years, who may have a disability and need special education or related services. If you are aware of a Warren City child who may have special needs and is not being served, please notify the Special Education Office of the Warren City School District at (330) 841-2321. The District will contact the parents of the child to determine if the child needs to be evaluated.
Whose IDEA (702.7 KiB, 1,512 hits)
Whose IDEA - Amendment (22.3 KiB, 1,189 hits)
Release of Educational Information Held by the Ohio Department of Education (218.5 KiB, 1,358 hits)
Individualized Education Program (IEP) PR-07 Form (132.0 KiB, 1,317 hits)
Data Collection Tools for Students with Suspected/Identified Disabilities (166.7 KiB, 1,891 hits)
Progress Report Form (263.5 KiB, 1,273 hits)
Notice to Ohio Students with Disabilities and their Parents or Guardians (31.7 KiB, 1,285 hits)
No results.