Kanye is the Student Spotlight winner in the K-2 pod. Kanye was
nominated by Mrs. Hitchings and Mrs. Marciano. They state, “Kanye
has worked extremely hard during this entire virtual and hybrid learning.
There are days he is struggling with the technology and he never gives
up and will push through it. He is always ready to learn and will work
through any hardships that arise. He comes to class everyday with a
positive attitude and excels in class.Way to go Kanye!! We are so proud
of you!!
nominated by Mrs. Hitchings and Mrs. Marciano. They state, “Kanye
has worked extremely hard during this entire virtual and hybrid learning.
There are days he is struggling with the technology and he never gives
up and will push through it. He is always ready to learn and will work
through any hardships that arise. He comes to class everyday with a
positive attitude and excels in class.Way to go Kanye!! We are so proud
of you!!