A student observing the baby chicks.

Preschool Hatches Baby Chicks

Our Jefferson preschool classes recently added some new fluffy friends to their classroom! Students have housed eggs for the last few weeks and have waited patiently for them to hatch, observing and learning about eggs and chickens.

A student holds a chick for the first time.
A student holds a chick for the first time.
Mrs. Logan helps a student ready to hold the baby chick.
Mrs. Logan helps a student ready to hold the baby chick.
Students observing chicks
Students obverse the baby chicks after they have hatched.
A student holding the baby chick.
A student holding the baby chick.
Mrs. Roberts and a student hold a baby chick.
Mrs. Roberts and a student hold a baby chick.
A student gently taking a baby chick from his teacher.
A student gently taking a baby chick from his teacher.

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