Happy Halloween
The Willard family would like to wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween.
Honor Roll Breakfast
Congratulations to all our k-8 students who earned the breakfast!! Way to go!!

Fall Festival
Congratulations to all K-2 students who earned the fall festival. Keep up the good work.

Staff Spotlight

Family Game Night Fun!
Thank you to all the families who attended our first game night!! Everyone had a great time. Thank you to all staff who helped make this night a success.

Red Ribbon Week
Join in the daily themes next week!!
Monday-Team Up Against Drugs- wear favorite sports team gear.
Tuesday-Put a cap on drugs- Wear a hat.
Wednesday- picture day
Thursday- My future is too bright for drugs.
Friday- Wake up drug free- Pajama Day
Food Truck
The staff would like to thank North Mar Church and the administration team for treating us to a wonderful lunch.

Picture Day
Picture day is coming soon.
SEL Assembly
Mr. Matheny shared how our brain works with emotions.