2020 Willard Avenue SE, Warren, OH 44484

Phone: 330-675-8700
Fax: 330-675-8710
WCS Preschool (Rm 117): x1052
WCS Preschool (Rm 119): x1051
TCESC Preschool (Rm 115): x1011

School Hours (2024-25)

Breakfast / ArrivalEducational StartDismissal


Supervisor of Special Education
Categories: Administrators
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3-5 Pod Leader
Categories: Administrators
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K-2 Pod Leader / Campus Leader
Categories: Principals
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6-8 Pod Leader
Categories: Principals
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PK-4 Secretary
Work Phone: x1001
Categories: Secretaries
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4-8 Secretary
Work Phone: x1000
Categories: Secretaries
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Lead Secretary
Work Phone: x1002
Categories: Secretaries
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