Students in grades 3-5 earned fall festival activities.

Students in grades 3-5 earned fall festival activities.
Our prek-2 pod students earned a fall festival party. Great job to all those students who earned enough points to attend.
Miss Ferreri’s Classes earned a donut award for all their hard work.
Miss Batson’s class enjoyed PJ day by creating reading forts.
A huge thank you too all the families that attended the meetings on Monday
We are so proud of you !!!
The food truck was amazing!!!! Thank you for always taking care of our staff and students.
Next week is Red Ribbon week. Each day will have a different theme. Join in the fun to Celebrate life drug free.
Monday- Wear Red
Tuesday- Wear your favorite sport’s team.
Wednesday- Wear your favorite sunglasses
Thursday- Wear your PJ’s
Friday- Wear your favorite hat.
We always start our day off with a good breakfast!!