Hallway display of an apple and its parts.

Apple Pie in a Cup

First graders celebrated the end of their unit on apples by enjoying a delicious treat. Over the past week students have had apple themed lessons in science, language arts, as well as math.

First graders sitting at their desks ready for their treat.
First graders sitting at their desks ready for their treat.
First grader ready for his apple pie.
First grader ready for his apple pie.
A group of students waiting patiently for their apple pie treat.
A group of students waiting patiently for their apple pie treat.
Students sit and visit with each other as they wait for their treat
Students sit and visit with each other as they wait for their treat.
A student adds more topping to her apple pie treat.
A student adds more topping to her apple pie treat.
A student takes a bite of his apple pie.
A student takes a bite of his apple pie.
A student smiles after she finishes her treat.
A student smiles after she finishes her treat.
A first grader enjoys his treat.
A first grader enjoys his treat.
A first grader enjoying her apple pie.
A first grader enjoying her apple pie.
A first grader enjoying his apple pie treat.
A first grader enjoying his apple pie treat.
A student smiles as she eats her apple pie.
A student smiles as she eats her apple pie.

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