Happy Veterans’ Day!

Warren G. Harding Students, led by the Social Study Department, are holding a Sock Drive from November 11-December 14, 2022. All Students and Staff are encouraged to bring in one pair of new socks that will be donated to our local veterans who are in need. To make the event extra fun, it will be a competition! The class that brings in the most socks will receive a prize! Let’s go Raiders!

Celebrating Perfect Attendance

!00+ students who achieved 100% attendance during the first 9-weeks were treated to a Waffel Bar Breakfast on Friday, November 4, 2022. Students loaded their waffles with strawberries, blueberries, and of course chocolate syrup, and whipped cream! Bacon, Sausage, juice, and milk were also a part of the celebration!

While they were visiting and eating their breakfast PBIS members, led by Mrs. Shimko, passed out perfect attendance certificates, congratulated students on their achievements, and encouraged them to continue working hard!

Thank you to Principal Williams, Mrs. Shimko, and her PBIS team!

Students Report: Goal Setting

By McKenzie Monsman

As the first quarter comes to an end, students are now reflecting on the past nine weeks. For those students who were unhappy with their grades, there are many ways to improve. Setting goals and deadlines for yourself is a big way to reflect and fix what didn’t go so well in the first quarter. A perfect way to set your goals is writing in a planner or calendar, or keeping reminders of your goals on post-it notes where you can see them every day. If you really want to see progress toward your goals you should have small goals that are easily achievable in the short term as well as goals that will take longer to achieve (maybe even the whole nine weeks). For more ideas and motivation to set your goals and achieve them, talk to your teachers or guidance counselors.

Students Report: Halloween

By: Monica Ruckman, Dallani Moore

For Halloween Warren G Harding students were invited to dress up. Many of them showed up and showed out in costumes. While keeping things school-appropriate, students showed off their costumes and even some teachers participated. Allowing students to dress up was an innovative way to keep school a fun learning environment. Students and teachers enjoyed seeing everyone in their costumes. Some of the favorite costumes of the day were Alvin and the Chipmunks, and a “Karen”. Some of the upperclassmen also participated in a trick-or-treat for preschool students who enjoyed getting to come to the high school and get candy!